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Arts & Culture

Business Districts
Old Lyme's development pattern has been shaped by its water resources. Early development along the Connecticut River included shipbuilding and activities associated with moving people and goods across the River. Later, development along the town's interior rivers made use of waterpower for mills. In this century, people have been drawn to the shores of Long Island Sound for seasonal recreation and relaxation, and have sought the high quality of the natural and built environment for year round living. Our business districts help ensure development is compatible with the need to protect the town's natural and cultural resources.
Halls Road: Old Lyme's Commercial Hub

The commercial "downtown" along Halls Road is intended to provide a broad range of commercial activities to serve the entire Town of Old Lyme, and to a lesser degree, other rural areas to the north. Within the center, structures should be of appropriate size, scale, and design and should be landscaped in order to maintain the small-town character.
Currently zoned for C-30 development.
Hatchett's Hill & Vista Drive: Old Lyme's Light Industrial and Distribution Area

Old Lyme provides for light industry and office development in the area off Exit 71.
The Town of Old Lyme encourages light industrial use in this vicinity, where industrial traffic can access I-95 with little impact on local roads. This use requires a minimum lot size of 80,000 square feet to allow for adequate buffering, landscaping, parking, loading, and other aspects of good industrial site design.
Our largest employers in this "Light Industry" zone include Kellogg Marine, Seinnheiser USA, and Calloway Car. Office space is also available.
Zoned for LI-80 development.
Sound View Village District

The Sound View area of Old Lyme is a compact, seaside community with a mix of smaller-scaled residential and commercial activities focusing on the recreational uses of the beaches at the southern end of Hartford Avenue and serving as an entertainment and commercial center for the surrounding residential communities.
Hartford Avenue properties are zoned as the Sound View Village District.
Laysville & Shore Road: Two Neighborhood Commercial Centers

Two areas are designated as Neighborhood Commercial centers: one along the Boston Post Road in Laysville, and the other along Shore Road and down Hartford Avenue in Sound View. These areas are intended to provide retail and other commercial services primarily to residents. The are limited in size to avoid the creation of unattractive and inefficient commercial strip development.
Commercial properties in Laysville and along the commercial north side of Shore Road are typically zoned for C-30.
The Fine Arts Corner

The existing historic arts cluster, which includes the Lyme Arts Association, the Florence Griswold Museum, and the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts, provides a basis for a district focused on a range of activities that relate to and support the arts. Museums, studio and exhibit space, galleries, restaurants, overnight lodging are encouraged in this district, consistent with the rural and historic character of the area.
Properties in this corner are part of the Historic District.
Lyme Street: Old Lyme's Historic District

The Lyme Street area, the town's civic center, has preserved a historic context that smoothly blends civic, religious, and residential uses into a pleasant streetscape. Great care is taken to maintain the special village character and balance of uses in the area. The Historic District Commission ensures the Lyme Street Historic District maintains its character through policities and regulations.
Properties within the Historic District are zoned as R-15.
Connecticut River and Long Island Sound Waterfront

Old Lyme reserves suitable waterfront sites for water-dependent uses in keeping with the town's historic relationship to the waters of Long Island Sound and its rivers. Suitable sites are limited due to the extensive tidal marshes along the shoreline.
These areas are typically zoned WF-20.

Welcome to Old Lyme
Welcome to Old Lyme, a small, historic town on the Connecticut coastline. We are known for our art galleries and beaches, and have so much more. Whether you are thinking about relocating your home or business here, or just looking to visit for the afternoon, welcome! We are glad to have you.
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